19 Bible Passages That Highlight
the Journey to Hope in Christ
The Journey of Hope Begins Here:
God wants ALL people to be saved. It is God's desire that everyone finds the truth of who He is and the hope that is available through His Son. The truth that there is only one God and only one savior: Jesus.
Jesus is the only source of salvation for mankind. This is a bold claim. Christianity is the only belief system that makes a claim this exclusive.
God gave His Son Jesus to show the world the extent of His love. He wants all people to believe and receive eternal life, but some will choose to reject God's offer. We live with the choice of living in the light or dwelling in the darkness...
The Hopelessness of Sin
In this choice of light or dark, good or evil: the mind controlled by sin is death, but the mind controlled by God's Spirit is life and peace. The sinful mind is hostile towards God and cannot please Him.
Sin defined: Sin is rebelling against God's ways.
We all have sinned and will continue to do so.
Sin earns death, but God has offered an alternative through His Son Jesus.
"Repent" means to turn to God and accept the hope He has offered through His son.
Hope, even in Hopelessness
God still loved us, even at our worst point of hopelessness because of sin. Christ died for us.
The Gospel story is simple: Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised by God's power on the third day. Many people witnessed this story.
The Response to God’s Offer of Hope
The Gospel has the power to save those who believe it.
Believing in Jesus is directly connected to Baptism in the response to God's offer of hope.
Confession is an outward declaration of what you believe, so confession is also linked to salvation.
Repentance and Baptism are directly connected to receiving forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. These are also parts of our response to God's plan for hope (salvation).
We are not saved by doing good things, we are saved by accepting God's grace and mercy.
We accept God's grace through faith. By faith we believe, confess, repent, and are baptized.
The Result of Hope
We have been "rescued"
- Rescued: freed, delivered from confinement or judgment.
Jesus is our savior, or our "rescuer." He recues us from the result of living in darkness as an enemy of God to being holy in His sight and free from accusation.
We have been "reconciled"
- Reconciled: our position with God has been settled harmoniously.
Anyone in Christ is a new creation! What's in the past is old and gone. Jesus' sacrifice allows us to become the righteousness of God. And now we represent God in this world.
We have been "redeemed"
- Redeemed: bought back for a purpose, paid for.
We were purchased by Jesus for lives of action, being holy, and loving those around us.